30 of 35 found this to have none
No nudity or sex. One character's clothing is suggestive and revealing.
12 of 23 found this moderate
John and another man get into a brief but brutal fight after the man pepper sprays him in the eyes. They struggle, and John head-butts him, causing him to bleed profusely. John tackles him and then retrieve his gun, and another woman paper sprays the man in the eyes and kicks him several times.
A gunshot victim shows up at the ER and his bare chest is bloody (we don't see the shooting).
We see a quick view of the above scene where the large truck smashes into the car sitting in its way.
Steve pushes Mitch backwards who then sprays something caustic into John's eyes and then stabs a scalpel into his arm/shoulder. John then head-butts Mitch a few times (causing the latter to have a rather bloody face) and the two then struggle on the floor. Mitch's girlfriend then goes over, grabs that spray, and sprays it into Mitch's eyes before kicking him twice in the back and then once in the crotch as he writhes on the floor in pain.
Although we don't see the act of violence, the woman with Mitch has a bruise on her head and a presumably broken arm, reportedly from him beating her.
A sniper shoots a man (with the shot also blowing out a glass window), and we initially believe he's been mortally wounded, but that turns out not to be the case.
A woman has surgery. A hole is cut in her. Blood spurts briefly.
A man's hand is shown very wounded and bloody.
A man is hit in the face several times. A few wounds are show on his face.
A hole is shown in someones chest. Very bloody and graphic.
11 of 22 found this moderate
At least 2 "f" words (one of which it was used with "mother"), 9 "s" words, 9 asses (3 used with "hole"), 9 damns, 5 hells, 2 S.O.B.s, 4 uses each of "Goddamn" and "Swear to God," 3 of "Oh my God," 2 of "Jesus Christ" and 1 use each of "Jesus," "My God," "Oh God," "Oh Jesus" and "Oh my Sweet Jesus" as exclamations.
One character raises their middle finger to another.
9 of 15 found this mild
John tells his son, "Don't smoke" when he's older.
A man pulls out a cigarette but dosen't end up smoking it.
11 of 19 found this moderate
There's a nasty car wreck. Various people get hurt and bleed, and others are shown hurt who were injured offscreen.