18 of 47 found this mild
The waitress, Tuesday Knight, is seen on her back and her top is pulled down revealing her breasts.
There is a scene where a young teen boy is looking at an adult magazine and looks at full frontal female nudity.
At the cocktail party, a woman fantasizes having sex with the host of the party in a bed. No nudity is seen.
Fantasy sex scenes are shown between the babysitter and a teenage boy on the couch and on the floor. Some gentle thrusting is seen, once to completion. Nudity only includes bare-chested male.
A couple of fantasy scenes of two adults having sex.
6 of 9 found this mild
There are a couple of fist fights with bloody blows to the face.
A fantasy scene where a girl is bleeding and dead under tub water.
One of the teen boys has a fist fight with the other
7 of 12 found this moderate
7 of 12 found this moderate
Lots of drinking by adults and teens.
Teens and adults smoking
One scene where teens smoke marijuana briefly
5 of 10 found this moderate
Drunk driver runs over and kills a teen boy.
An attempted rape in real life and in a fantasy.
The babysitter gets accidentally killed by a TV falling on her head in a fantasy.