- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: I haven't got time Raymond. If you get in the way I'm responsible. Your cock up - my arse!
- [Inspector Fowler is discussing political correctness with his constabulary and Grim thinks he is wasting his time]
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: What "ism" ever robbed a bank? What "ism" ever mugged anybody? What "ism" ever put a gun to somebody's head?
- DC Gary Boyle: [Reading a book] Terrorism?
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: Yeah alright. What "ism" ever threatened the security of the state?
- DC Gary Boyle: [Still reading] Marxism?
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: What "ism" ever hurt anyone?
- DC Gary Boyle: [Still reading] Sadism?
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: Boyle! D'you think they'd do a uniform your size?
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: I've got a tough job Raymond, and I need your cooperation. Now it's pretty urgent, so I won't beat around the proverbial privet. Frankly I'm too busy a man to be cluck-clucking like a decapitated feathered fowl, so I'll get straight to the point.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: I'm very happy to hear that.
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: Time waits for no man as the proverb goes, and what I say is, in CID crime waits for no man. So, with that in mind, I shall cut the bovine feces altogether. This is CID work, and in CID, we dispense with niceties, we avoid irrelevance, disregard herrings, red or otherwise, and above all, we do not fanny about!
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: I doubt Constable Goody would "get it", if it came in a large bag marked, "IT".
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: [about how to deal with persistent offenders] You nick 'em, you lock 'em up and you throw away the door!
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: The artful dodger was a thief. And I don't think he'd have considered himself quite so "at home" in a juvenile detention center, which is where I'd have put him. Thieving is thieving and no amount of oom-pa-pa or boom-titty-titty will change that.
- [Sergent Patricia Dawkins nearly cast as tomahawk in Peter Pan panto last year]
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: You'll be a wonderful red indian maid.
- Sergent Patricia Dawkins: That's silly little costume, my thigh's too fat.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: What an absurd thing for you to say.
- Sergent Patricia Dawkins: You're saying that just to be nice.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: No, I'm sure there's a number of red indians have fat thighs.
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: Remember - it's my arse and if you stuff it, I'm going to be very red in the face.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: [to Inspector Grim re: an amateur dramatics singers required advert. Grim has just said it sounds boring and he'd prefer being in front of the telly] Well of course you would Derek, that's because you have the sole of an enema, and the imagination of a Pot Noodle.
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: [after Inspector Fowler has picked him up on his use of grammar] Is that so! Well try these words in a different order then - Bugger and Off! I mean off and Bugger. Damn.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: I doubt Patricia will get anything warm and satisfying inside her tonight.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: Start stringing words together willy-nilly and it can lead to no end of confusion. Constable Kray let me have your notebook.
- [Takes notebook and starts to read]
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: . Look here. "The criminal ran round my side and out the back at a colossal lick". Jumble up the words and suddenly you have "The criminal licked out my colossal round backside and ran."
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: Obstructing CID in the course of their investigations, Raymond? That's a very serious offence, I've half a mind to charge you!
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: You have half a mind... full stop!
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: I've been liaising with some *geeeeeezers* from 'The Met'; pooling our intelligence.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: Goodness. Between you, you must have made an imbecile.
- Const. Frank Gladstone: We gave our dog a bad name... Colin. Terrible name! You have no idea how many people are called Colin. We'd go to the park - I'd shout, "Come here, Colin!", and fifteen people would turn around. Big people too, sir. I mean for some reason all the big lads get called Colin. I mean - I'd shout, "Colin, you're a bad boy! I just saw you do a caca. And now, I'm going to rub your nose in it." The next thing I knew, I wake up in an ambulance.
- P.C. Goody: [when sitting on Inspector Fowler's shoulder for a role play exercise] Ow! Mind my love blobs! And er... dont bend my Curly Wurly please!
- Sergent Patricia Dawkins: We are not the first, and we won't be the last couple to have problems with our sex life.
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: We do not have a problem.
- Sergent Patricia Dawkins: We don't have a sex life!
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: Exactly, so I can hardly see how there could be a problem with it!
- Const. Frank Gladstone: I could not tell you why all the women I have ever loved say to me "I've got a fat bottom!", and when I say "Yes, I like it!", they throw the dinner at me!
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: [talking about drugs] When I was a teenager, my idea of chemical stimulation was sucking on a Fisherman's Friend!
- [P.C. Goody and P.C. Habib start chuckling]
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: What is so funny, goody?
- P.C. Goody: Well sir, you just said your idea of chemical stimulation was sucking on a Fisherman's Friend!
- Inspector Raymond C. Fowler: So?
- P.C. Goody: Well, everyone knows they're AWFUL!
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: [trying to get on the internet] I've booted up, I've patched in, I'm online, offline, downloaded
- [shouts]
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: and extremely cheesed off!
- DC Robert Kray: You need to integrate your power supply at source, sir.
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: What?
- DC Robert Kray: Plug it in!
- Detective Inspector Derek Grim: Ooooh, I hate Christmas! I reckon Scrooge was right, with his bag of humbugs.
- Const. Maggie Habib: Is that a baton you have in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?
- P.C. Goody: Actually, it's a Mars bar.
- Sergent Patricia Dawkins: [reading the card attached to the champagne and chocolates Raymond has given her] To my dearest Maggie, spelled with one g and a y. Sorry about arresting the lollipop man any chance of a bunk up later, love Kevin.
- Sergent Patricia Dawkins: [Slaps Raymond and walks off]
- Const. Maggie Habib: [Slaps Kevin and walks off]
- P.C. Goody: [to Inspector Fowler] Do you think we got away with it, sir?