Gustav finds it hard to let go of life as a postman and wants to start delivering mail on Sundays. But he and his colleagues need financial support, something that Lena as a politician is reluctant to give.
Lena plans for a weekend with the family but without Gustav. When it dawns on Gustav that he is not included in the weekend plans, he is initially shocked, but then he somehow gives back.
Ebba gets a top job at the UN and will live in New York for a year. Max intends to move in, something that Gustav absolutely wants to prevent. As usual, Gustav spares no means to get his way.
After waiting six months for Gustav to fix the kitchen faucet, Lena gets tired and calls a plumber. The error turns out to be easily remedied and it tempts Gustav to take the credit himself.
The interest is lukewarm when Lena presents her plans for the municipality during a dinner with the business community. In order to get the representatives of the business world to listen.
The neighbors Hedberg's house is to be sold. Gustav sees himself as the right person to inform the visitors at the screening. Once there, he discovers Lina's old doll carriage in the basement.
Max begins to doubt the job at the bank and accompanies Gustav on a mail round. Gustav is overjoyed that Max finally wants to follow in his father's footsteps. But it doesn't turn out exactly as Gustav envisioned.
Lena suffers an age crisis when she gets a new, younger employee at work. Max has to measure the efficiency of the postmen's mail rounds, which drives Gustav crazy.
Lina's parenting course includes holding your parents accountable for being ready to become a parent yourself. To escape the confrontation, Gustav goes to the civic center and protests against Lena's building plans.
Lina is tired of John and wants them to live apart for a while. At first Gustav thinks it's good, but when he realizes it's serious, he tries his own methods to get John and Lina to find their way back to each other.
Lena's boyfriend from high school is coming to visit from the USA. Gustav is moderately amused by the visit until it turns out that they share the same interest.
Christmas is at the door. Max and heavily pregnant Lina will celebrate Christmas with their respective ones, to Gustav and Lena's great disappointment. But it doesn't turn out exactly as the Svensson family planned.