Short Circuit (1986)
Brian McNamara: Frank
Frank : How, robot. Me - friend.
Stephanie Speck : Talk computer, not Apache.
Frank : [referring to the reward money] Twenty-five thousand dollars. Don't worry. We'll split it. Twenty for me. Five for you.
Frank : [explaining why he'd just been trying to capture Steph's dog] ... you know he looked kinda sick to me, so I thought I'd just take 'im down to the vet and fix 'im up a little bit.
Stephanie Speck : He doesn't look sick. YOU look sick.
Frank : [to Number 5] Listen, why don't you say we jump in my car and I'll take you home.
Stephanie Speck : [knowingly] Uh, tell him where home is.
Frank : Uh, home is NOVA.
[Beasley barks]
Number 5 : [throws tray at Frank] NOVA? NO! No disassemble!
Stephanie Speck : Run, Number 5, run!
Number 5 : Come on, treads, don't fail me now!
Frank : [runs after him] You tricked me, you little bitch!
Stephanie Speck : Oh, does this mean I don't get my $5,000? Well, forget it! FORGET IT! He can run thirty miles an hour, you big stupid JERK!
Frank : [grabs her] Hey, I'll show you how stupid I am! Guess who's gonna help me catch him!
Stephanie Speck : No, I'd rather die first!
Frank : [sees that his Pontiac is gone] What the hell happened to my car?
Number 5 : Hi!
[Frank's car is shown totally dismantled]
Number 5 : Piece of cake!
Frank : Oh, my God! My car!
Stephanie Speck : [smiles] Oh, way to go, Number 5!
Frank : [after Number 5 defeats him] I'm calling NOVA and I'm calling the cops!
[to Stephanie]
Frank : And as for you, you little pain-in-the-neck, you better not come crawling back to me, because now it's over!
Stephanie Speck : GOOD!
Frank : [smugly, with a confident "I've lived with this woman long enough to be wise to her posturing, and so I can see right through her act" attitude] Yeah, You know where it is --- for 25 thousand dollars, you MUST know where it is, and I'M sure as hell going to know where it is, too.