During the showdown in Silverado, Emmett is shot in his right leg, in a spot visible from most angles. After racing the horse to another end of town, and killing the shooter, there is a shot of Emmett on the horse where you can see almost his entire right leg, and no bullet hole is visible, either in his leg or pants.
When Emmett is caught by the deputies, the second lasso catches him around the ankles. In the next shot, this rope is up around his thighs and his feet are free, and then in the next shot the rope is back around his ankles.
When Slick looks for Rae and discovers Stella's secret hideout, he runs to it and looks out towards the street in front of the tavern. You can still see people walking around, even though everyone cleared the streets when they heard a shootout was about to occur.
During the final showdown there are shadows from the buildings on the left, but in the next shot there are no shadows at all. In the two-shots, the two men are casting long shadows on the street. When only one is in frame in the middle of that brief scene, there's almost no shadow.
While saving Augie from McKendrick's ranch, when Emmett jumps through the window, the gun of the bad guy holding Augie isn't cocked. When the camera angle changes, and Emmett shoots him, his gun is now cocked.
Emmett is left handed throughout the movie. In the shootout at the end he has the gun in his left hand and the very next scene he gets shot in the right leg and his gun drops out of his right hand instead of being in the left hand where it was prior.
When Jake exits the saloon and shoots two bad guys simultaneously, both of his pistols are angled towards the ground, yet both of the bad guys are shot.
Jake and Emmett's brother-in-law and sister, in the closing scenes, are wearing bandages over their injuries. Emmett, however, in spite of being shot with a rifle in the upper leg (maybe even shattering his femur?) is completely fine.
If Jake and Emmett have the last name of Hollis, why do his sister, brother-in-law, and little Augie also use the last name of Hollis? (NB: JT's last name is Hollis, so it is Kate's married name. Jake & Emmett's last name is not mentioned.)
The story takes place in the winter, and in the mountains (snow on the ground) so why are the women wearing sleeveless tops?
The cemetery has a decorative fence across the front and a line of rocks around the other sides. When the protagonists ride into town for the final showdown the cemetery is facing away from town.
After the duel between Cobb and Paden and in the final scene, a 50-star US flag is visible hanging in front of a building. In the 1880s, this should have been a 38-star flag.
'Float' glass is used in window glazing throughout the film, a flatter more uniform
glass made in large sheets by a modern industrial rolling process not available at the time. Glass used in 1880 Silverado should be wavy 'cylinder' glass of the period. Cylinder glass was made by hand blowing glass into cylinders which are then cut down the side in a straight line when cooled, reheated and flattened out into small panes with noticeably irregular surfaces.
The windmill seen prominently in several scenes of the film, a Dempster No. 12 Annu-Oil, wasn't invented until 1922, about four decades after the time that this film takes place.
Around the 13 minute mark an aircraft contrail can be seen in the sky.
The town of Silverado is a busy, bustling place with people everywhere on the streets and sidewalks even though views from far away reveal that it is tiny, in the middle of nowhere, and with no ranches or farms in sight.