When Tyler is attempting to drive away the wolves from the buffalo carcass, there are three wolves closely cloistered around the entrails. When the perspective changes, there are only two. It changes again and there are three.
After the chase, Tyler comes upon a pack of wolves devouring a buffalo carcass. As he chases them away, the last remaining wolf clearly is wearing a thin, black, shiny collar.
Running Moon is cooking three pieces of meat on two sticks (one of which is forked and has two pieces on it) over an open fire. Running Moon brings the forked stick with two pieces of meat over to Tyler (who walks away), and Frapp grabs one of the pieces of meat with his bare hands. Though the meat was hot enough to cook, Frapp does not burn his hands as he handles it.
Characters are shown repeatedly pouring powder directly into their rifles, powder should be measured for consistent accuracy also a smoldering bit of patch from the last shot could turn your powder horn into an instant hand grenade.
During the chase sequence, after Heavy Eagle passes a rock on the top of a ridge and goes to the left of the camera, a bush is moved violently at the bottom right of the screen, clearly by someone off camera.
A Mountain Man at the rendezvous (Charlton Heston) brags that he's been from "South Fork to Three Pass!" He should have said "Three Forks to South Pass." Three Forks is in Montana where three rivers come together and give the Missouri River its name and South Pass is in west central Wyoming where it is possible to cross the continental divide on horseback or with wagons.
In the last fight with the Blackfeet, Tyler puts a round ball in his mouth then uses it to load his rifle. While he might do this if he is trying to reload quickly, loading the ball without a cloth patch would case a loss of accuracy and velocity since the naked ball does not engage the rifling. Tyler would not want to limit his ability to fight if he did not have to.