7 of 16 found this mild
Lady Litton (The Phantom's wife) undresses herself in the bathroom while Clouseau and the bellboy are hiding in the sauna. Clouseau wipes away some steam accumulation on the door window and has a peek. Her bare back is shown in a couple of shots of this whole scene, but nothing overt is seen.
Several women wearing bikinis walk by the camera and Clouseau while he is waiting by the pool.
When Charles (The Phantom) sneaks into his wife's hotel room in Switzerland and wakes her up, she attempts to seduce him as he interrogates her about the Pink Panther, even jokingly answering his inquiry of "Where is it?" with "After all these years, you have to ask?" (referring to her...well, you know..)
9 of 11 found this mild
Chief Inspector Dreyfus inadvertently shoots himself in the face with a gun (which he mistakes as a gun-shaped cigarette lighter); the first time his face is merely blackened with soot (ala something out of an old cartoon) and the second time he injures his nose; you only see the bandaged results. The third time, Dreyfus accidentally shoots Francois in the shoulder, where only bandaged results of him as well are shown for the remainder of the film.
One of Clouseau's biggest traits is his accident-prone nature, and many a time throughout the film he unexpectedly injures himself as a result.
Clouseau's house boy Kato has a habit of attacking Clouseau out of nowhere, resulting in a karate-style fight between the two of them. This usually ends with one of them (usually Clouseau) causing plentiful collateral damage to their current location.
Early in the film, a figure in black gives Clouseau a bomb which completely destroys his apartment, injuring him and sending Kato to the hospital.
As he is being psychoanalyzed, Dreyfus accidentally strangles his therapist as he speaks about a dream he keeps having about Clouseau. This is done off-screen (the camera zooms in on Dreyfus' face) and it is unknown if Dreyfus killed the therapist or not.
The Phantom interrogates his former associate Pepe by breaking his fingers. This happens a few different times until all of his fingers are damaged.
After he is betrayed by the Fat Man, the Phantom fights his way out of the dance club, taking out several guards with his fists and being fired at by guns as he makes his escape.
Colonel Sharkey is shot dead unintentionally by a crazed Dreyfus, while it was intended for Clouseau, but only missed because Clouseau had ducked for something at just the right second. Dreyfus then proceeds to shoot up then further tear up the hotel room in an insane rage.
7 of 14 found this mild
One mouthed "s" word that is audibly blocked by a strategically placed car horn.
"Damn" and "hell", both used once.
10 of 11 found this mild
There are several drinking scenes but none to the point of drunkenness.
Both Dreyfus and Clouseau are seen smoking.
11 of 12 found this to have none
None to speak of; this is a very silly and humorous film.