The main character in this film, named Valerie, house-sits for her absentee cousin. She's lonely, and scared to be in the empty house by herself. So one night, she immediately summons her pal Sophie to come over, and keep her company. The two women drink vodka, and indulge in sizzling hot lesbian sex together.
Valerie and Sophie have a great time with each other, until Sophie is kidnapped by a strange cult of sex-fiends. The plot then revolves around Valerie trying to find Sophie, and rescue Sophie from her captors. But not before Valerie has had a chance to enjoy prolonged, decadent sexual trysts, with various lovers.
Marie-France Morel as Sophie, is the only cast member who stands-out. Marie was a good choice, to play the sensuous, yet vulnerable-looking Sophie. Pale and diminutive, Sophie seems like a waif who needs to be looked after. It's easy to see why she was the one who was snatched away in the night, by the kidnappers.
Like many French films, the pace of this film was excruciatingly slow. The story-line is nearly impossible to follow. And illicit sex between the characters, seems to be the centerpiece of this movie, to the detriment of actual character and plot development. Watch this film, only if you want to see soft-core porn involving sexy-looking, lust-crazed people. If you're looking for anything more substantial than that in a film, then this movie will be very disappointing for you.