Live and Let Die (1973) Poster

Yaphet Kotto: Kananga, Mr. Big



  • Mr. Big : [to his men]  Is *this* the stupid mutha that tailed you uptown?

    James Bond : There seems to be some mistake. My name is...

    Mr. Big : Names is for tombstones, baby! Y'all take this honky out and waste him! Now!

  • [Kananga is about to punish Solitaire for lying about losing her psychic powers when Baron Samedi walks into the room. Solitaire gets up from her chair and heads towards the far wall of the room] 

    Solitaire : [to Kananga, thinking that they are going back to San Monique]  When do we start back?

    Kananga : Soon, Solitaire, soon.

    [Samedi picks up a Tarot card, lights it into a nearby fire, and hands it to Kananga. Kananga flaps it around to extinguish the fire] 

    Kananga : [Questioning Solitaire on why she lied to him about losing her powers to read the Tarot]  Solitaire, why? I treated you well. You lacked for nothing.

    Solitaire : I don't understand what you...

    Kananga : [interrupting]  Mr. Bond's watch, my dear. I gave you every break possible. You had a 50-50 chance. You weren't even close.

    Solitaire : I had no choice. Please believe me. The cards.

    [Kananga gets out of his chair and walks towards Solitaire. He immediately grabs her right shoulder and flanks her into his direction. At that moment, anger surrounds him. He turns his head for a minute to face the display. Suddenly, he turns his hand back towards Solitaire and slaps her. She falls to the ground] 

    Kananga : [Realizing that Solitaire defied orders and lost her virginity to Bond]  When the time came, I myself would have given you love. You knew that.


    Kananga : [Angrily]  YOU KNEW THAT!

    [Baron Samedi, seated on the corner of the table reaches his hand out towards a deck of Tarot cards and picks up the top card of the deck. The cards are face-down, keeping secret which card Samedi picked up.] 

    Kananga : [to Solitaire and Samedi]  There's only one proper way to deal with this...

    [Solitaire lifts her head and looks at the table while Samedi, with the Tarot card in his hand, flips it around so Solitaire can see it. The card is marked "Death"] 

    Kananga : ... And one proper time.

    [Samedi laughs as fear emerges on Solitaire's face] 

  • Kananga : Tee-Hee, on the first wrong answer from Miss Solitaire, you will snip the little finger of Mr. Bond's right hand. Starting with the second wrong answer, you will proceed to the more... VITAL... areas.

  • Mr. Big : I got my own plans for you, baby. But first, there's one little question that he wants answered for him.

    James Bond : In that case, you better ship me back to the island and let him ask in person. I'm not in the habit of giving answers to... lackeys.

    Mr. Big : You damn lucky you got an ear left to hear the question with! Which is, did you mess with that?

    [indicates Solitaire] 

    James Bond : Assuming you mean what I think...

    [Mr. Big nods impatiently] 

    James Bond : ... That's between Solitaire and myself--and Kanaga. I'll tell him when I see him.

    Mr. Big : You ain't gonna see the SUNLIGHT again, unless you ANSWER ME!

    James Bond : [sarcastic]  I had no idea you were so frightened of him.

    Mr. Big : [roars in Bond's face]  DID YOU TOUCH HER?

    James Bond : [firmly]  *When I see Kananga.*

    Mr. Big : ... Right!

    [Kananga tears and peels away his own face and hair, actually a latex mask and a wig] 

    James Bond : Quite revealing!

  • Mr. Big : What shall we drink to, Mr. Bond?

    Mr. Big : [as the overweight Whisper approaches with drinks]  Well, how about an earthquake?

  • [during the tense interrogation scene over Solitaire] 

    Kananga : Solitaire... my dear. I need you to listen to me very carefully. On the back of Mr. Bond's wristwatch, the registration number is 3266. Do I speak the truth?

    [after a tense moment, Solitaire carefully lifts up a tarot card and looks at it] 

    Solitaire : [nervous]  You speak the truth.

    [there is another long and tense pause as Kananga glares at Solitaire then back at Bond with his back turned. Not reacting or even blinking, Kananga gesters a command to Tee-Hee who removes his metal claw from Mr. Bond's right hand and also removes his restraints. A relieved Bond stands up from his chair as Kananga, still quiet, tosses his wristwatch back to Bond who puts it back on] 

    James Bond : Well, if there's nothing else I guess I've laid your fears to rest. My compliments on a splended operation. There is one thing however that...

    [suddenly and without warning Tee-Hee knocks out Bond with his prosthetic metal arm. Whisper then walks in from another room] 

    Kananga : Whisper, take him to the farm.

    [Tee-Hee walks out and Whisper, picking up the unconscious Bond, leaves the room, leaving Kananga and Solitaire alone] 

  • Mr. Big : Thanks for droppin' in, baby. Yeah, you one tough pig to nail down. You've been pickin' at me like some kind of maggot. First you go up to Harlem and kill one of the brothers. And that disturbs me. Well, then you go and steal this valuable young lady from my good friend Dr. Kananga. Now, Kanaga, he believes in all that card crap. I mean, he's mad.

  • Kananga : The question still stands, Mr. Bond, asked by the gentleman concerned: did you touch her?

    James Bond : Well, it's not the sort of question a gentleman answers.

  • Kananga : ... What did you call me--a WHOLESALER?

    [laughs with scorn] 

    Kananga : How old-hat can you get... selling heroin for money!

    James Bond : My apologies. I'm sure you simply GIVE it away.

    Kananga : Precisely, Mr. Bond. Two tons of it, to be exact. When entering into a vastly competitive field, one finds it advantageous to give away free samples. Man, woman, child, Black, White, Latino... I don't discriminate.

    James Bond : 4,000 pounds of heroin, with a street value of well over $1 billion, nationally distributed for free? That should make a certain network of families rather angry, wouldn't you say?

    Kananga : ANGRY? Why, my dear Mr. Bond, it'll drive them positively out of their minds... not to mention out of the business.

    James Bond : Quite ingenious. A sort of junkies' welfare system.

    Kananga : Well, merely until the number of addicts in this country has doubled, shall we say. Then I will proceed to market that acreage which you blundered into the other day. That heroin will be very expensive, indeed... leaving the phone company and myself the only two growing monopolies in this nation for years to come.

    James Bond : And I thought it was Solitaire that did the fortune-telling.

    Kananga : Let's hope, for BOTH your sakes, she still CAN.

  • Mr. Big : What shall we drink to, Mr. Bond?

    James Bond : How about an earthquake?

See also

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