22 of 25 found this to have none
There is a shot of sensual woman in a black and white picture wearing a bathing suit - no exposed nudity.
14 of 25 found this moderate
The opening scene depicts a lot of dead soldiers. One is shown missing an arm, with a bloody stump instead. Another is shown close-up with a hole in their stomach where a bullet passed through. Although, these scenes are not lingered on.
There are three major battle scenes, and a couple of small skirmishes.
Battle 1- Lots of artillery shots, gunfire and bodies flying through the air. This battle scene only gets bloody in the aftermath, when they show soldiers in agony, and covered in bloody bandages.
Battle 2- This scene depicts a lot of gunfire, explosions, artillery fire, etc. Bodies fall dead, and many soldiers are set on fire. The aftermath briefly shows dead bodies with moderately bloody wounds.
Skirmish 1- Mostly gunfire with a small amount of casualties. Some blood is shown, though not in detail.
Battle 3- The last battle depicts sequences of realistic war violence, with tank fire, soldiers catching fire, gunfire, and eventually brutal close combat with bayoneting and stabbing. The aftermath shows a lot of bloody wounds on dead soldiers, charred remains, and a dead soldier with his leg blown off and blood splattered on the ground. This scene is the most graphic in the movie.
17 of 32 found this moderate
The opening speech by Patton includes very graphic language such as "cut out their living guts and use them to grease our tank tracks".
The term "shit" is used once, also 12 uses of "bastard", 21 uses of "hell", 5 uses of "ass", 14 uses of "son of a bitch", 8 uses of "goddamn", 12 uses of "damn", 2 uses of "Jackass".
18 of 27 found this mild
Some characters are seen smoking cigarettes and the main character is seen with a cigar hanging out of his mouth in several scenes. There are some scenes of alcohol consumption, but no drunkeness is depicted.
14 of 26 found this moderate
The battle sequences are quite intense and real hardware and realistic explosions are used. Some viewers may find these scenes distressing as many young men are depicted as being killed.