Goliath and the Dragon (1960)
Ugo Sasso: Timocleo di Medar
Timocleo di Medar : With Goliath gone, you've got a hungry jailer in those caverns. That dragon.
King Eurystheus : That's right. No one can stop us.
Timocleo di Medar : Every man here is your ally, but Medaran walls are liable to fall unlike yours which are attacked in war so often. Those of Medara are not so strong and our men cower. They tremble at the thought of Goliath.
King Eurystheus : Goliath, a dead man. They fear the vengeance of a dead man.
Timocleo di Medar : Alcinoe, don't leave. I could have you set free to begin a new life if you treat me better.
Alcinoe : But you know I'd rather stay a slave to Eurystheus and be able to hate you. I prefer that at any price.