Frank gets beaten up for being caught kissing Zoe, and he crawls to Madge with his face showing extensive injuries. The next time he is on screen he is with Madge at the diner where Zoe picks him up less than a week later and there is not a mark on him.
Frank takes a taxi starting out in a 1954 Plymouth, but arrives in a 1953 Plymouth. In another sequence, he starts out taking a 1953 DeSoto taxi but arrives in a 1953 Plymouth.
There appears to be a deadbolt lock on the door to Frank's new office, but there is no corresponding plate or other hardware on the edge of the door. This is a shortcut often taken by set carpenters.
By the number on Frank's office door, 908, he's on the 9th floor of his building. However, by the view out his office window, he's up much higher than that.
Duncan was supposed to meet Zoe at the Justice Building Observatory at 10:30. The sign on the door said it closed at 10:00, but he walked right in.