Dean Martin addresses the audience: "In all countries throughout the world, the movie fan enjoys the movies." (Scene of Jerry Lewis is in a theater seat, dressed in a Cossack uniform, with huge handcuffs, clapping and applauding).
Dean Martin, standing in front of a stage curtain with a large world globe beside him, addresses the movie audience: "Ladies and gentlemen, this motion picture is dedicated to you - to you in this theater and to all refugees from television throughout the world. We in the motion picture industry would like to pay tribute to a most wonderful person. And here he is, the American movie fan." (A scene shows Jerry Lewis with a box tray full of popcorn, soft drinks and treats, eating and drinking while watching a movie).
Dean Martin addresses the audience: "We also would like to pay tribute to the British movie fan." (A scene of a butler bringing an elaborate silver tray to a formally dressed Jerry Lewis who's watching a movie -- and the butler removes the lid so Lewis can pick one of four kernels of popcorn to gently put in his mouth).
Dean Martin addresses the audience: "This is a French movie fan." (Scene of Jerry Lewis in beret and T-shirt is smooching with a gal on his lap). Dean Martin adds: "He hasn't seen a movie in years."
Dean Martin, spins the world globe and addresses the audience: "Yes, there are movie fans everywhere. But wherever they are, you can bet they would all like to go to 'Hollywood or Bust.'" Then the credits roll with the music.
Dean Martin addresses the audience: "Our hats are off to the Oriental movie fan." (Jerry Lewis is in Asian garb watching a movie, trying to eat popcorn from a bowl with chopsticks and he finally tosses them).