Storekeeper Judy Canova is proud her grandmother was a great sheriff. So when handsome John Russell becomes the new sheriff, she's anxious to help him. He promises her that she can be his deputy if she captures Roy Barcroft. He was joking, but when she does he makes good on his promise. But there's a well-connected web of evil-doers around, Barcroft escapes, and it takes the rest of the movie for Judy and a posse of women to recapture him.
Miss Canova sings three songs, and there are assorted comic interludes, with Emmett Lynn doing a fair Gabby Hayes imitation, except you can understand him -- or perhaps I've learned to speak Frontier Gibberish. R. G. Springsteen demonstrates he can direct comic as well as dramatic westerns, and the usual suspects round out the cast list, including Grant Withers, Frank Ferguson, Minerva Urecal, Alan Jenkins, and Maxine Gates.