Pride of the Marines (1945)
Eleanor Parker: Ruth Hartley
Ruth Hartley : What makes men do such crazy things?
Al Schmid : Women!
Al Schmid : Lucy, I want a kiss that'll last me me the duration. You got one like that?
Ruth Hartley : I'll do my darnedest.
Ruth Hartley : [after Al has kissed her] That's the second time you've kissed me without warning.
Al Schmid : Want a warning next time?
Ruth Hartley : Like what?
Al Schmid : Oh, something like, uh, "Hello".
Ruth Hartley : That's a fair enough warning.
Al Schmid : Hello.
[he leans in and kisses her again]
Ruth Hartley : You brown-eyed devil.
Al Schmid : You know, you acted just like you didn't like my looks.
Ruth Hartley : Oh, you're not so bad-looking.
Al Schmid : You'd say so even if you didn't think so.
Ruth Hartley : You'd think so even if I didn't say so.
[Al chuckles]