Both the pawn ticket and the pawnbroker give the date of receipt of the locket as 7/9. But the log book shows the date as 8/22.
When Richard sees his wife disappear into an empty apartment, the owner tells him that the place has "redone floors and all new wallpaper", yet every wall is plain paint.
When Richard visits Dr. Hamilton's office; his shirt's right collar point is neatly in place. But on the next few cuts which are close-ups; Richard's collar is now bent and sloppily hanging over the jacket. Then on the following two-shot with Hamilton and Richard, the collar is once again neatly in place.
In the mountains rain is suddenly on the windshield even though there's been none falling.
When Richard sees the empty apartment, the owner tells him that the sink has a double draining board, yet there is no sink. Furthermore, it could not even be in the obscured alcove or it would be obscuring the light from the window on the wall.
When Richard is at the Pawn Shop looking at the ledger books; the dates, names, ticket number and loan amount are listed but not the item description. In pawnshop ledger books, the item description is always included in the entry.
Richard Mason shines his torch through the wrecked car onto Dr. Mark Hamilton. The light is still on him, even though Mason has turned and aimed it at the officers.
In the shot under the opening credits, the rain is coming down in two distinct directions.
Richard says that the handkerchief that was in his wife's jacket breast pocket had a green border, but the one that he handed the police, after finding it in a drawer, had no such border. He said that it was the only one of its kind.
Once Richard gets his cane, he spends the rest of the film using it incorrectly. A cane is carried on the strong side, and moved forward with the weak leg. For Bogart to hold the cane in his right hand, it should be moving forward when the LEFT leg moves forward. But he moves it forward when his RIGHT leg does so. That means the cane should be carried in his left hand.
Kathryn is driving the "dangerous mountain road" in foggy conditions without her headlights on.