Although Mummy's Boys has its moments, and although it always a pleasure to see Bert Wheeler and Robert Woolsey in a film, this one is really minor league after their run of greats in the pre-code early 1930s.
Here the boys play loafers who go to Cairo to help on an archaeological dig, aided and hindered by the lumbering Willie Best, a sort of poor man's Stepin Fetchit, and distracted by Barbara Pepper, a low level love interest for Bert, who has a habit of forgetting things here rather than stealing things as he did in Cockeyed Cavaliers.
Although Woolsey's reactions were predictable and a bit tiresome by this stage in the series, little Wheeler is as charming and cute as ever. There is no musical number, which is a shame, as the film drags somewhat without the distraction of some song 'n' dance.
Not the best W&W, and perhaps not the one to start with, but worth a look.