Top Hat (1935)
Ginger Rogers: Dale Tremont
Dale Tremont : Madge, have you any objections if I scare your husband so that he'll never look at another woman?
Madge Hardwick : Dale, no husband is ever too scared to look.
[talking about the horse]
Dale Treemont : Who was his dam?
Jerry Travers : I beg your pardon, Miss.
Dale Treemont : I said, who was his dam?
Jerry Travers : Oh, I don't know miss, he didn't give a...
[Dale slams hatch, sound synchronized with Jerry mouthing the word "dam"]
Jerry Travers : Are you afraid of thunder?
Dale Tremont : Oh, no. It's just the noise.
Jerry Travers : You know what thunder is, don't you?
Dale Tremont : Of course. It's something about the air.
Jerry Travers : No, no. When a clumsy cloud from here meets a fluffy little cloud from there, he billows towards her. She scurries away and he scuds right up to her. She cries a little and there you have you showers. He comforts her. They spark. That's the lightning. They kiss. Thunder.
Dale Tremont : What is this strange power you have over horses?
Jerry Travers : [thinks] Horsepower.
Dale Tremont : How could I have ever fallen in love with a man like you!
[Dale slaps Jerry, then storms off]
Jerry Travers : She loves me.
[He is reading a telegram]
Alberto Beddini : 'Come ahead. stop. Stop being a sap. stop. You can even bring Alberto. stop. My husband is stopping at your hotel. stop. when do you start. stop.' I cannot understand who wrote this.
Dale Tremont : Sounds like Gertrude Stein.
Dale Tremont : I still feel a little guilty, being here with you while Alberto is out looking for us.
Jerry Travers : Come on! Let's eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we have to face him.
Alberto Beddini : As Mrs. Adam, what would you wear?
Dale Tremont : Fig leaves!
Jerry Travers : May I rescue you?
Dale Tremont : No, thank you. I prefer being in distress.
Dale Tremont : I dropped up from the room below where I've been trying to get some sleep!
Jerry Travers : Oh, I'm sorry! I didn't realize I was disturbing you. You see, every once in a while I suddenly find myself... dancing.
Dale Tremont : Oh, I suppose it's some kind of an affliction.
Jerry Travers : I think I feel an attack coming on. There's only one thing that can stop me.
Dale Tremont : Why, you must tell me what it is!
Jerry Travers : My nurses always put their arms around me.
Dale Tremont : I hate men! I hate you! I hate all men!