Doctor X (1932)
Thomas E. Jackson: Daily World Editor
Daily World Editor : Say, you want to draw another paycheck, don'tcha?
Lee Taylor, Daily World Reporter : Certainly, that's my aim in life, but I'd like to keep out of the bughouse to enjoy it.
Lee Taylor, Daily World Reporter : Listen, I wanna get off this story. Put me back on crossword puzzles, covering woman's clubs, anything, will you?
Daily World Editor : Say, what's the matter with you?
Lee Taylor, Daily World Reporter : What's the matter with me? Nothing at all. Only I spent all last night laying next to a bunch of stiffs, looking at a lot of goofy guys. I let a dame poke a gun in my stomach, and then I let a dumb policeman slip me a trick cigar.
Daily World Editor : Say, you want to draw another paycheck, don't you?
Lee Taylor, Daily World Reporter : Certainly, that's my aim in life, but I'd like to keep out of the bughouse to enjoy it.