Other Men's Women (1930)
Grant Withers: Bill White
[repeated line]
Bill White : [while offering a stick of chewing gum] Have a little chew on me...
Bill White : [Slapping the more-than-ample derriere of the waitress while her back is turned] How are you, Davenport?
Waitress : You stop callin' me that! Honest to goodness, you're gettin' something fierce!
Bill White : Hog wild, Baby, and no foolin'. Scramble three and a cup of jamocha.
Waitress : [Yelling to the cook offscreen] Scramble three in a hurry - it's Bill White!
[to Bill]
Waitress : Bread or toast or maybe you'd like a bun?
Bill White : [Implying a double entendre] No, had one last night.
Bill White : Pig-Leg.
Peg-Leg : Peg-Leg.
Bill White : Pig-Leg
Peg-Leg : Peg-Leg!
Bill White : All right, maybe I'm wrong.
Bill White : Sweet peas? Gee, that'll be swell.
Bill White : Say, I think you're the swellest girl in the world.
Lily : Oh, you're a dear. And just for that I'm gonna give you a little kiss.
Bill White : You've got to tell a good-guy the truth, no matter how much it burns him up.
Bill White : I love you, Lily. And I want ya. And if you are here or near me, I'll take you. You understand? I'll take you.
Marie : I know where I can get you a little slug of gin.
Bill White : I don't think so.
Marie : You don't want to drink?
Bill White : No, I quit a long time ago.
Marie : Oh, some dame made you swear off, huh?
Marie : Hey, this is like old times. You and me neckin' and you gettin' plastered.
Bill White : Say, I ain't plastered.
Marie : I didn't say you was. I said - *gettin'*!
Marie : Here we are, moonin' around cause we split up, when we can get married tonight, if we want.
Bill White : Say, you're a great girl.
[Slaps her in the face]
Bill White : You got some - great ideas.
Marie : Are you game?