Fans of schlock need to see this
7 August 2024
Drunk Ryan Watches a Movie!

Air Fryer Slaughter (2024)

Drink of Choice: Florida Stole My Parents IPA

You may not know this about me, but I enjoy me some schlock. I'll take a low budget flick, over Hereditary any day of the week. If the previous sentence upset you than maybe this review isn't for you. Possibly, fun isn't for you either.

I kid, I kid. Don't no one get all wound up by what I've just said. There is a world where both of these artforms can exist, and thanks to MMH productions we have another film to add to the former. The aforementioned Air Fryer Slaughter brings me back to the days of renting DTV Troma from blockbuster for 99 cents.

Matthew Mark Hunter has honestly crafted something that needs to be appreciated. This movie had like, a 7 month production time. Like from concept to release. The fact that we have a coherent film at all is no small miracle, but we got more than that. We got one of the funniest, gore filled pieces of schlock that has plenty of heart behind it, that I honestly haven't seen in probably 20 years.

Anyone can make a movie, but it takes something special to craft something that will stand the test of time, and become one of those films that random horror geeks will discover through message boards, and word of mouth. I honestly feel Air Fryer Slaughter has the potential to be just that.

From the random rap segment, to the gratuitous genital mutilation (all done practically, and they spare no details) to the fact that it's shot on video! This movie pulls no punches. It's The Redneck Zombies of this generation. It encompasses the humour profile of a 14yo edge lord, and runs with it. Anyone who grew up on Troma... like actual Troma, will feel right at home with this.

All of the indie actors are killing it, but special shoutout to Matt Skinner who nails it as the Killer Air Fryer. Like a back alley Freddy Kreuger, he pulls so many quotable one liners that border on offensive. Delivering them with an over the top flare, that seals the deal, and cements this movie as the hidden gem I hope it becomes.

Do I have complaints? Yes. One actually. It's too long. Had this been a magical 70ish mins, it would have been perfection. The weird thing though? I don't know what I'd want cut. I'd hate to see anything go, but as a whole it's definitely a bit much for non schlock die hards to sit through. That's literally the only thing I take issue with. Everything else is micro budget gold.

4 outta 5! I visibly flinched more than once. The movie literally just released independently through MMH Productions so if you love schlock than I highly recommend you go and purchase yourself a physical copy. Support this group, cause they're doing the work other studios stopped a long time ago.
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