"Tujhpe Main Fida" offers a acquainted but engaging storyline set towards the backdrop of university existence and a homicide mystery. While it can now not offer groundbreaking content for pro visitors who've experienced comparable topics in Hollywood and Bollywood productions, the show's consciousness on relationships, soulful music, and the intertwining narratives of police investigation and personal intrigue maintains it interesting. The dynamics between the characters, mainly the tension in Aira's lifestyles and Marcus's quest for answers, add intensity to the storyline. Despite belonging to a pro audience and having watched similar indicates like Elite and The Glory, I located "Tujhpe Main Fida" to be a decent watch, hanging a balance between now not being too horrific nor too notable. It's the mixture of familiar factors executed with a few finesse that makes it worth an eye fixed, despite the fact that it does not provide totally novel storytelling.