Meeresleuchten (2021 TV Movie)
A moving film
16 March 2024
I have now seen this film a few times. What draws me to it? It is in many respect the antithesis of the Hollywood production. Here, the film-maker has something to say that is profoundly human, and does so without resorting to manipulations and gimmicks. The film is moving but never descends into melodrama. It also succeeds in creating a peculiarly poetic, almost "fairy-tale" (think Grand Meaulnes) atmosphere, that is at the same time believable as "true". The plot is character-driven, carried by an array of excellent actors. Even minor roles are done extremely well: I think in particular of the part played by the store's first owner, so pleased and grateful when she finds a buyer in Thomas; or the part of the pathologist, who carries out his task which such genuine empathy.

I will very likely want to see it again at some point.
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