Not the book but not bad either
2 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
For anyone who read and loved the book, this might be a bit disappointing. If you knew nothing of this true tale, you actually may be in for a treat. This is not about special effects or superhuman skills: this is true story about how 8 working-class college boys who had nothing but grit and determination, won Olympic gold in the 1936 Berlin games together with their tough, nail-eating coaches who refused to sugar coat anything for them. As any movie does, it short changes the details that lie in the heart of foundation of this wonderful historic tale, and as someone who loved this book (especially the audiobook), I was sad to see all those details that made the book a stand out missing. But how much CAN YOU cram into a 2 hour movie?

Here's the thing though: it's a wonderful movie. Good direction, good cinematography, solid acting, decent script. I'll watch this movie any day over anything else playing in the theater right now.

The competition scenes alone makes this a big-screen movie watching must: as in you are NOT going to get the same effects in your living room, I don't care what kind of sound system you've got or how big your television is. For what it's worth, it's worth your $13 to watch this in the theater.
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