Review of Le brio

Le brio (2017)
Good chemistry between Auteuil and Camélia Jordana, and excellent dialogues
2 November 2023
Well, there is nothing new in a script where two people need to cooperate and their relationship makes one to be changed by each other. There is also nothing new in a master-apprentice relationship in cinema where the guru uses unusual methods in order to teach. Anyway, despite all that, the film is cute, charming and does have some fantastic dialogues. Daniel Auteuil is one of the best French actors and Camélia Jordana has a awesome performance too, with both having fantastic chemistry together on screen. The movie deals with a serious social and political problem in a light-hearted but not permissive way. I may say it is much more optimistic than politically counterproductive. Not only people with lower class and peripheral background may succeed, particularly when there are opportunities and solidarity, but also those who behave badly may not always repeat that and can change. The example of the former, Neïla, could witness the example of the latter, Prof. Mazard. The remarkable scene of the first time both characters met, in the classroom, was sharp and very well written, directed and performed.
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