The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
On the surface brilliant, but dig deeper and...
16 August 2023
So i've recently come back to this show after having last watched it around 2012 and although it is, on the surface at least, a funny show, it you even remotely concentrate on the goings on, something becomes all too apparent.

This show and Friends work off the same principle, that being - All the characters are toxic, insecure and neurotic.

The entire run of the show is about people constantly looking to get one over everyone else. They're constantly looking to put eachother down at every turn, while looking to assert that they, and their work is far superior to everyone else.

Even once they start entering relationships, all the relationship becomes is a battle for dominance. Each character looks to belittle their partner, while looking to be the dominant one in the relationship even to the point that they'll try to sabotage their partners career just so they can then heap sympathy upon them thereby (for the time being, at least) assert dominance.

They all start arguments out of absolutely nothing. One might say they have a job interview, the other will then make a big deal out of not having been told about said job interview, which then leads to utterly pointless(forced) dialogue which is simply painful to the ears. This always results in the one with the interview saying they won't go, while the other (allegedly) see's the error of their ways an insists they go to the interview, but only if they want to and that nothing will change regardless of what they decide to do. It all gets needlessly contrived.

How any of these characters (in either Friends or TBBT) are friends or married is the biggest mystery of all. If you were to encounter these people on a night out the negative energy emitting from them would open a portal to Hell. They are some of the most toxic and ultimately unlikeable characters in TV history.

The show does though have some genuinely funny moments, but just be sure to switch the brain off while watching it.
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