Review of 2DEZIT

2DEZIT (2022–2024)
A middle of the road kind of thing
23 December 2022
New experiences, college clubs, add some drugs, a whole lot of nudity, sexual activities and not really award winning acting, and you have 2DEZIT.

A show about a couple of teens that share a student house together and live through their version of college life. Some story arcs were interesting and there were also some solid scenes/shots aswell as drama. Yet, when it ended and i saw the final credits, i couldn't help myself feeling dissapointed.

The acting does the job, but isn't astounding. Some situations just feel really unrealistic and over the top but that might be because i had quite a different college experience. It felt like an old white man was writing things that they think are happening currently in the lives of students.

All in all, watch it for the right reasons and you'll have a decent time.
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