Tiny Toon Adventures (1991 Video Game)
Toony NES Adventures
25 May 2021
This is another of my favorite licensed games of all time as well as games for the NES. As you can guess I'm a fan of "Tiny Toon Adventures" as it's one of my favorite animated shows, it was one of the big ones that was the kickoff of the 90's. And of course, from its popularity you know that a video game adaptation is inevitable. Thankfully the franchise is in the right hands which is "Konami" which have made plenty of great licensed game titles and this game is thankfully one of them.

The plotline is much like any Tiny Toons plot, Montana Max he kidnaps Babs (yeah, I know damsel in distress cliche trope but since it's "Tiny Toons" I don't mind) but also is trying to take control of all of Acme Acres with the help of the rival school and other scum on his payroll; and it's up to Buster and his Tiny Toon gang to save both Babs and Acme Acres from Max's evil clutches.

That's all it in a nutshell it's a pretty basic plotline but it fits and feels like a plot that could have made a good episode saga for the show. But what's really important is in the action which in Acme Loonavercity standards, I'd say gets a passing grade.

I really like the graphical presentation, it's all well detailed and colored. From the background down to the characters themselves and their expressions. It all gives you the feel of playing and being in the world of the show itself. Each of the levels are unique and have different themes which also is true to the spirt of the show as it was a skit comedy by its nature. You have plenty of colorful unique enemies and bosses.

Control is solid though just a little loose sometimes but not by much. And the gameplay is solid, it's slightly similar to "Super Mario Bros 3" with its techniques. This game's not reinventing the wheel here but it's really just gressing it up to keep it going and up to speed. The difficulty in the game is moderate, it's not too hard but not that easy as there are some tricky spots in the game that could take practice to get through.

But what's unique about the game is that you can switch up on characters much like in the NES game "G. I. JOE" (game I reviewed). Your assign yourself two out of the three Tiny Toon roster to pick whom each have their strengths and weaknesses whichever works best for the level.

From Plucky Duck whom is able to flap when jumping high, the flap function which will control your rate of decent. Dizzy Devil who is the fastest of the bunch as he can make himself into a cyclone increasing speed and even strength as he can break through walls, though makes it hard to slow down. Furball he can climb walls with his claws like "Spider Man".

And of course, my main man Buster Bunny, I love playing him not just the fact he's my favorite character of the show but is the most balanced. You have the regular speed like any other platform action character, but your can pick up your speed by of course pressing the B button and forward which of course builds momentum and yeah your pretty much playing Mario only it's Buster Bunny with the same functions, but it works fine all the same. And I just like seeing how his feet just go up and down when he jumps and lands on an enemy.

To switch the characters, you must get to a star balloon and pop it you are able to switch to one of the other characters and play as that character. However, there is a catch as the star balloons are a little far in between the levels which means you can switch up when you want to. This gives the game a small element of strategy as you have to think up things before you decide to pop that balloon, whether the character your playing still works for the level or you need to make the switch to clear certain parts of the level.

Another thing I like in the game is there are sometimes secret places and areas to uncover which make this more than just going from point A to B. This I wouldn't say is anything special but it's just cool all the same and gives the game a bit of replay value just to see if you can uncover and find more of those areas.

The other highlight is the music as usual Konami is just never short of memorable video game tracks. Some are of course personal favorites of mine, from the first level which is of course the theme song of the TV show but it's cool as it's the NES version of it and it just sound great all the same. Another is on the third level which I always thought was cool as it has sort of a catchy swashbuckler tune to it.

For anyone that's a fan of "Tiny Toons" or just simply vintage licensed games and platform action games, Tiny Toon Adventures for the NES in my lesion planer gets high marks.

Rating: 4 stars.
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