bad MGM B-movie
23 May 2021
There was once another continent, Atlantis, a giant land mass in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Demetrios and his father are Greek fishermen when they come upon an unconscious woman on a raft. She claims to be Princess Antillia from Atlantis, a scientifically advanced land beyond the Pillars of Hercules powered by magical crystals.

This is a B-movie through and through despite being from MGM. George Pal had made The Time Machine and Tom Thumb. In the same vain, this is a big idea movie with plenty of special effects although some of them are reused from other movies. Again, that's a B-movie tactic to save money. Don't get me wrong. I love me some B-movie action and I kinda like the bad 50's style going on here. My bigger issue is the general stiff acting and Antillia starting as a raging B. She's rescued from certain death and all she does is complain. It's really off-putting. The first half hour is really bad and really stale. Once it gets to Atlantis, at least it has the interesting place to play around with. It has interesting ideas. It would work much better if Antillia didn't start off as such an off-putting raging B. She needs to be a funny B. That's what's missing. It's bad writing. This is just bad.
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