The Big Bang Theory (2007–2019)
The first fiew seasons will always be the best
3 January 2021
I miss the show when it was about nerdy men nerding over science experiments and awkward women encounters. It then after about five seasons turned into a 'Please the Wife- Soap Opera'.

I hate Bernadette's character and how much she belittles Howard like a strict mother, constantly telling him what to do and making him a puppet to fill her needs. Howard has always been a funny character but being in that relationship made his humour all caged.

Sheldon reminded me of Spock, an awkward intellect who's spot-on logic and obsessive compulsive disorder made it an inspiration even at the weirdest of moments. Although throughout the series you notice Sheldon starts to slowly lose his Sheldon'ness and starts to become more human in a sense. Which made it slightly displeasing to what we loved Sheldon for in the first place.

Penny being the stereotypical sex driven blonde was ok, her beauty made the boys more awkward like nerds would be. Sheldon's intelligence overpowering hers is what also made it funny for social awkardness, him constantly correcting her and her replying sarcasticly showed the difference between the two. Her and Leonard's relationship was not a problem, but when they all had relationships, it became an occurring thing to have at least one relationship problem in an episode and it made the viewing cringy.

The show still has a decent episode everynow and then but it's not as funny as the first few seasons.
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