Flip Flappers (2016)
A creative, colorful, but flawed adventure.
23 October 2019
Whats good?

  • Its Alice in Wonderland on Drugs - many of the first episodes are self-contained stories set in a different 'reality' of Pure Illusion. This allows the madman director to use some very different styles to tell a standard story, let me illustrate...

  • Lead Animator - 'Director, episode 3 needs to show the girls first transformation sequence and adventure, what story shall we tell?'
Director - 'Mad Max meets Dragonball Z'

  • Lead Animator - 'Director, episode 5 needs to grow the relationship of the two characters, we could do a dinner episode?'
Director - 'HORROR house'

  • Lead Animator - 'Director, its time for the required swimsuit episode 7, shall we do a beach party or a swimming lesson episode?'
Director - 'MECHA'

And so forth. What i'm trying to get across (with some help from Reddit) is that there is a wide range of very creative environments our characters visit and this is one of the strongest elements of the show. Episode 3, 5 and 7 probably being some of the best episodes.

  • Colour - The series animation is average, but the use of style and colour elevates it above the standard level. Its jazzy, exciting and the different worlds are done in various different styles, great stuff!

  • Yuri - The series explores the relationship of Cocona and Papika quite boldly, while I think it could go further (much further) here its still one of the better series for looking at romantic relationship between the two girls.

  • Voice Actors - Universally good for the Japanese voice-over (as you would expect), the English dub is better then some - recommended.

  • Opening/Closing - Fantastic intro and fantastic closing song, very visually kinetic songs in any anime

  • We've been here before (story) - Around the episode 9 mark the series tries to bring forward the story. It does this with mixed success. The last few episodes are still good - but I would argue quite predictable.

  • Characters - Our main two are quite good, Ayaka (the childhood friend) is also well developed. But most of the other characters are undeveloped or one note, a shame.

  • Grounding (and rules) - There are elements here which are just confusing, I still don't understand what a 'amorphous' is and the story is very disjointed...why are those guys dressed as KKK members, i just, don't quite get it. The series would have benefited from some strong characters in 'our' real world (in Madoka this is fulfilled by her mother mainly).

  • Fan Service - I read numerous reviews being highly critical of this but...i don't really think there is much here? I really didn't see much - although when it does happen its quite uncomfortable due to the girls age

  • Music - Other then the excellent credits pieces its a mixed bag.

Conclusion Worth a watch if you like magical girls or really want to watch something while high. This is a colourful, exciting series that could have been something special, instead its just above average but no less enjoyable for it.
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