Not as good as the first chapter...
6 October 2019
In comparison to the first chapter of this remake, then the 2019 "It: Chapter Two" was just a massive step back in the wrong direction.

Why? Well, first of all, Pennywise wasn't scary at all. In fact, it was progressively getting more and more difficult to take him serious as an embodiment of evil as the movie progressed, because he was just too goofy. And whereas he was genuinely disturbing in the first chapter, the clown was just loosing it in chapter two.

And running at close to three hours, "It: Chapter Two" was just too long, and too much of a drag to sit through, especially when so much of the contents just felt like it was there to fill in the movie and add to the play time of the movie. There were so many things that could easily have been trimmed away without the storyline suffering.

The CGI was good, and definitely carried the movie a long way. But some of the CGI such as the long-limbed old woman chasing Beverly was just too comical and didn't really feel like it fit into the movie.

It was nice that they actually had Stephen King himself in the movie for a short cameo.

They had a good selection of casted actors and actresses to perform in the movie as the adult versions of the children that Pennywise stalked and fought. It was really nice to see James McAvoy in the movie.

All in all, this wasn't really a fulfilling conclusion of the first chapter, and I was left with a feeling of 'was that really it?' when the movie ended. The movie was not as intense and interesting as the 2017 "It: Chapter One" movie was.

I am rating "It: Chapter Two" six out of ten stars.
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