Zhu-Zhu Pets: Quest for Zhu (2009 Video Game)
This movie is not just bad, it's dangerous.
12 August 2019
In "Zhu Zhu Pets: The Quest for Zhu", a young female hamster goes on an adventure, meets new friends, and learns a few things about friendship.

But that's just on the surface. The circumstances that trigger all this adventure are unsettling. After being disciplined by her owner (a young girl) our hamster runs away to have these adventures.

So the message of the movie is this: if you don't like your current circumstances with your parents, run away, and you'll go on an adventure, meet new friends, and kick bad guys'. And when you get back, your mom will apologize, insist it was all her fault, and let your boyfriend move in.

Avoid this movie at all costs. It's dangerous for kids.
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