Review of Supergirl

Supergirl (2015–2021)
A So-So Show that Could Have Better Execution and Acting
7 March 2019
Things happen too fast. The proper amount of time needed to move from a realization to action is not given. The main character acting as SuperGirl is really lame, I don't like her acting and her brooding over herself. Aside for that, the sexist trash here claiming that there's so-called 'feminist propaganda' or some garbage is a complete lie. It's an innocent show trying to promote power in females, which has been long suppressed and yada yada I won't go into those details and story about female oppression over centuries of Earth's existence. The show is promoting power in females and if someone has an issue with it, clearly THEY are the sexist ones. Some people complained that any male character 'against' supergirl is made evil - anyone with a brain can guess why. To be against someone who stands for good makes one the opposite of good, naturally. Sexist people who can't stand female power are trying way too hard to down the show with lies and excuses. How about just enjoy the show like you would enjoy it if it were Superman? Why are you picking on it because it has a female lead? Can you not stand power from the species that creates you and your life?

Anyways, rant aside, the show itself could have been better if scenes were given more thought. Acting is not too well and it's not executed properly. Fight scenes are not impactful enough and sometimes supergirl is shown to be standing around like a moron during a fight. Something is just missing. I don't know why they did this. They were trying to show that at the start, she was just getting used to using her powers but they executed in a way that just made her seem lame.

Bonus is that Supergirl actually has muscles. Finally, an actor who bothers getting muscles for the shoot.

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