Weihnachtsgeschichten (1986 TV Movie)
Short stories of changing quality
6 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers
"Weihnachtsgeschichten" is an Eastern German Christmas movie divided into several episodes with multiple characters who make mostly humorous encounters with strangers and friends.

Unfortunately, some of the episodes are just so unrealistic that they appear more like an expanded sketch than a short story or anything. While sometimes the humor works and creates a diversified setting for the rather outworn Christmas theme, sometimes the situations are simply awkward to an extent where it gets uncomfortable to watch them. The main topics included are divorce, loneliness and family problems, which seem to be quite severe issues for a Christmas film, but somehow many Eastern German approaches on the holidays seem to include those aspects as major points.

All in all this is something you can watch, but you don't miss out on anything if you don't. Some of the episodes are quite nice, others are a bit odd and altogether they form something mediocre.
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