Amityville The Awakening: Swing batter batter swing
25 November 2017
This is the first theatrical Amityville release since 2005, the first legitimately high budget Amityville movie in a longtime so expectations were understandably high.

It tells the story of a family who move into the infamous house including a young comatose son who begins a remarkable yet sinister recovery.

With some familiar faces and money behind it this should have been considerably better yet fails left right and centre.

The whole thing is an unoriginal, predictable shoddily made mess to an extent even I didn't expect.

It surprises me that an actor on the upswing of his career like Gothams Cameron Monaghan would agree to do a film like this especially considering how much difficulty they even had in getting it released.

A swing and a miss.

The Good:

Features the actual Amityville house

The Bad:


Poorly made

Cast are phoning in their performances

Things I Learnt From This Movie:

Amityville has a biblical connection now....
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