Ben 10: Alien Swarm (2009 TV Movie)
Actors Appear Too Old for Their Roles; Okay Acting; Too Different From the Series
10 December 2016
Let me start by saying 1st off that the actors in this movie are way too old for their roles. They're supposed to be between the ages of 15 and 17 when they look like they're in their early to mid 20's. The acting isn't too bad. It's not great or even good, but it's okay.

When it comes to it being related to the show, it's too different. It's not Dragon Ball Evolution bad, but it's pretty bad. A character is introduced in this movie that was never in the show at all that's supposed to be Ben's "long-lost girlfriend" or something. The way the villain is defeated is...disturbing. It would've been much better if the villain was defeated almost..any other way. Okay, it's not that bad, but it's still pretty disturbing.

The movie's 2 main characters give you that vibe that Dragon Ball Evolution gave you with Goku or should I say "Goku" and his girlfriend, which will have you thinking "Just make out already!"

It introduces a new alien solely for ratings, which is unnecessary, though not completely bad. The CGI is sub-par even for the time, though it's actually really good for a TV movie on a kids' network.
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