Late Autumn (1960)
More Of The Usual.
19 July 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Viewed on DVD. Restoration = ten (10) stars. A typical entry from this director minus shots of clothes lines and ugly overhead power lines. Instead of woman acting as uninvited/ interfering matchmakers, men assume this disrupting function. (Take just about any film previously made by this director, switch matchmaker gender roles, and you have the essence of the movie.) Powerful performances by the leading actresses dominate the film with most trying mightily (but not especially convincingly) to appear many years younger than they are in reality. They also provide some very funny line readings. Performances delivered by lead male actors are dull, colorless, two dimensional, and DE FACTO supporting roles. The film is much too long with too many boring scenes and sequences. Except for some exterior hiking scenes, the movie is studio bound. Phony street scenes and interior sets (especially of bars) look the same as those seen in other films from this director. Cinematography (color) is fine given the confines of being limited to static compositions and an old-time, narrow-screen aspect ratio. Subtitles could greatly benefit from further professional editing of grammar. They are often too long and gratuitous. Music mostly consists of cloning from the director's other films. A drug-free way for dealing with insomnia. WILLIAM FLANIGAN, PhD.
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