Aunn Zara (2013)
A slice of life comedy about a bratty boy grown up in a female dominated family who marries a tomboyish girl who was brought up in a male dominated family.
8 June 2016
Aunn Zara was so true to life. Every character so authentic, crafted by both, writers and the actors.

As an audience you could feel such a strong connection with this family and the kind of relationship they share with each other. What I like the most about them is that they are not perfect, their actions both positive ones and negative ones are shown. For example, along with the mother's loving nature, her selfish behavior somewhere is also shown and she realizes it soon enough. Thus, the show doesn't give the audience time to wonder why something illogical is happening because the characters mend their ways soon enough instead of dragging the plot, hence, leading to new twists & turns. You journey along with the characters.

More than drama and romance, it's a comedy at it's best. Comedy of Errors (lot of misunderstandings and confusions), Comedy of Manners (dadi's language and mannerisms steal the show, lifestyle differences between Aunn's family and Zara's family). It has elements of a classic farce.

The cinematography, production design and especially the background music are all superb. The writing is very thoughtful. All the actors have played their characters with great charm, Dadi, Ammi, Phupho, Zara's Daddy, and Aunn & Zara of course.

I'll be so grateful if they make a sequel to it.
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