Review of Citizenfour

Citizenfour (2014)
Low on content and information
27 November 2015
I'm sure Edward Snowden means well and I thank him for exposing the NSA and whatnot but I found this almost 2 hour long docu pretty low on the content and information scale. Snowden repeats like 10 times he does not want it to be about him but it actually kinda is. You get almost no info over what beans he is actually spilling. Most scenes are him sitting around in the hotel with the journalists saying mostly nothing useful. What this docu does is put a face on one of the mayor Leakers in the world and now Snowden is now as well known as Julian Assange (who has a cameo in the docu). If you want to know more about what whistles Snowden actually blew then go and do some reading on the internet. It will be a better investment of your time then watching this nonsense.
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