An Intimate portrayal of two lives from a débutante director...
M Jayachandran's music, Jomon T John's cinematography and Gopi Sunder's background score exalts the movie to a wholly different level.
Even though the movie lacks a grip and over-stretches at times, the breathtaking visuals, art direction and the constant reminder that it's based on a real story redeems the film..transcending all the boundaries of fact and fiction..
Moideen and Kanchanamala's saga of love has been enacted on screen by Prithviraj and Parvathy with a lot of subtlety and conviction.
Its one among those rarest of rare stories in which real life has more dramatic twists and turns than in a thriller movie..
A commendable work of art indeed..
7 stars..
M Jayachandran's music, Jomon T John's cinematography and Gopi Sunder's background score exalts the movie to a wholly different level.
Even though the movie lacks a grip and over-stretches at times, the breathtaking visuals, art direction and the constant reminder that it's based on a real story redeems the film..transcending all the boundaries of fact and fiction..
Moideen and Kanchanamala's saga of love has been enacted on screen by Prithviraj and Parvathy with a lot of subtlety and conviction.
Its one among those rarest of rare stories in which real life has more dramatic twists and turns than in a thriller movie..
A commendable work of art indeed..
7 stars..