Zombies & Aliens
27 March 2015
This story begins with some college film students at "Doomsday Tech" accidentally inhaling some toxic fumes and turning into flesh-eating zombies. Soon the zombies multiply and spread terror to the entire student population on the campus. Not long afterward, aliens arrive and begin killing humans who live within "Doomsday County" as well. Now rather than reveal any more of the movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that this movie had some good moments here and there with the scenes involving "Betty Baretta" (Tara Lightfoot)--and to a lesser extent those with "Montgomery Kilgore" (Mike Santi) and "P. T. Chops" (Paul Alessi)-standing out . Unfortunately, there were plenty of bad parts which really brought the movie down. In any case, unless you are really into rather bad movies I wouldn't waste my time with this particular film. Accordingly, I rate this movie as below average.
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