From reading other reviews here, there seems to be a trend to judge the show not on it's merits, but rather because of the History Channel affiliation. We don't have that problem in Australia. This shows on normal free TV, just like all other shows. I hadn't even realised it was a History Channel show.
I should say in advance that I enjoy shows like Bargain Hunt (UK)and I really enjoy American Pickers.
So, to the show. Obviously these are setups. But the people who appear seem to be real people, and Mike and Frank put them at ease as much as possible. The boys are funny, entertaining and the show is educational. It is an interesting look at different parts of America and the real people who live there. Usually all we see here in Oz are the cities, and often it's not a very flattering view.
I don't think of this as "reality TV" - I think of it as a fun way of learning a bit more about America, it's people and it's history.
We don't watch much TV, but I do turn it on for this one.
I should say in advance that I enjoy shows like Bargain Hunt (UK)and I really enjoy American Pickers.
So, to the show. Obviously these are setups. But the people who appear seem to be real people, and Mike and Frank put them at ease as much as possible. The boys are funny, entertaining and the show is educational. It is an interesting look at different parts of America and the real people who live there. Usually all we see here in Oz are the cities, and often it's not a very flattering view.
I don't think of this as "reality TV" - I think of it as a fun way of learning a bit more about America, it's people and it's history.
We don't watch much TV, but I do turn it on for this one.