Want truth? Watch this. Want entertainment only? Do not watch.
13 May 2013
There is a lot of truth in this movie. I do not care if you are Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or other, if you listen closely the rants and the facts in the background of the movie should ring true. We are all slaves to the system and also the "old money" described in one of the later rants. However, remember that many middle or even high level employees and owners of Wall Street have no idea they work for a corrupt system.

I believe that the acting and atmosphere were solid, especially for a low budget movie. However, the movie was a bit romanticized and unrealistic.

I would recommend this movie to someone who is yearning for a better understanding of politics, money in general, and who wants to also be mildly entertained. I would not recommend this movie to anyone who watches for the sole purpose of being entertained, it cannot compete with other movies in terms of pure entertainment value.
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