This is where it all begins, the preclusion, the preliminary- "Yes, I like sunsets on the cape". "Yes,I love the ocean breeze". "Yes, I like innocuous jokes about unexplained human shortcomings".. "Most of all, I love this apparently kindred spirit we have with regards to being cavalier about commitment".. "Yes, I'm bored!" "Yes! I'm smug and ambiguous!" "Yes! I'm Italian and you're Irish, so if we had kids together, not only would they learn how to love life, they would also know how to survive in it!" Let's give it the old college try, shall we! Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn play a socially derivative couple who both love each other because both of them love their spouses! Originally a stage play, "Same Time Next Year" articulates a distinct form of human emotion that is identifiable to any person who becomes cajoled by individual adversity. Infidelity became the necessary prescription for conducting their regimented lives properly. As time went on, the social changes in American behavior wound up being the antagonist for these two "lovebirds" to appropriate their persistence for this precariously prevailing situation. Eventually, their resilience required a modicum of romantic interlude to sustain the tedium of their auspiciously monotonous marital routine. The bittersweet amelioration which both Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn worked so painstakingly hard to attain, ultimately becomes an utterly acute reflection of mandatory human error. Basically, the audience gets it, or, at least, they should! Alan Alda and Ellen Burstyn are very believable in this film! Richard Mulligan, the director, does a remarkable job at itemizing the comedic chaos to this movie. The cinematography is wonderful! The song: "The Last Time I Felt Like This", was a blockbuster hit for weeks on end back in 1978. A definite thumbs up! See this '70's classic, should you have the impetuous yearning to engage in a corrupt candor for realistically entertaining yourself!