The Client List (2011–2013)
Not what I had hoped
16 April 2012
So right off the bat, let me get this out there, yes I'm a guy and I know this is Lifetime "Television for woman." Okay now that that's out of the way, secondly I'm married and have two girls, hence I don't control the TV much before 10pm and my wife and daughters watch a fair amount of Lifetime and either I'm tuned in or out (actually it's somewhere in between if I'm to be at all involved), but I saw many previews for the Client list and that was enough to peak my interest. So the Client list, aired on Lifetime for reasons which I'm still trying to comprehend although yes I do realize the movie was put out by them and rightfully so as it's within their target demographics, but a series, really?

So down to it, my wife couldn't make it through the first episode and thought it was totally unrealistic, cheesy and overall gave masseuses a bad rep and felt it would make any wife creep out over their husband going to see a masseuse. So she's done, game over, congrats Lifetime as you've disgusted your target audience on the first episode. Now me on the other hand, I watched this for one reason only, JLH and if you need to look up that acronym perhaps you should stop reading now. She is beautiful and her being in lingerie and seductive scenes was enough to peak my interest, however very mixed results for me. On the one hand she is very beautiful and looks stunning in some of the attire she wears so it was a win there, however there is so much of the show that just seems so artificial, all these in shape guys come in, the towel guy in the 2nd episode, all sweaty from what changing towels? Yeah I've seen housekeeping, number one I've never seeing a male housekeeper and secondly 99% are not Caucasian. Taking a step back, okay I gotta remember this is "Lifetime" and they have to put something in there to reel in the woman so I guess this is it being how the plot is pretty unoriginal (hence the movie came and went and was complete in itself). But JLH's character is just not coming off right to me and it went downhill in episode 2. She gets drunk and pretty much puts out a sign for her brother in law to bone her, real nice. Wonder how long it will be before they do get together. So yeah I had little respect for her before being she's boning or hand jobbing or whatever to these clients (which they are careful not to really show or dive too much into) but now she's an easy target for the brother in law? Could we get any sicker???

Besides some bad acting, stupid supporting characters this show is just a mess and heading for the tube, and I don't mean the boob tube. I had hoped that somehow Lifetime would be able to pull this off and it looks like their method will be to turn her into a quasi therapist / hand job artist. But this therapy while tying into her life is just stupid and I certainly cannot buy into it. I give it 3 out of 10 stars, just for her being nice eye candy on the screen, but at this point I'm fading out. I know I'm only into the 2nd episode and I might give it another one or two but am on the way out. Even her pretty face and hot bod cannot keep me interested if I have to sit through detritus. Now had this show been on HBO or something where they could get raw if JLH would be so bold, then it could stand a chance, but without that just trying to stand alone on this honor-less story isn't going to win over the woman nor keep the interest of the guys, so I guess there you have it
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