Hanna is an inhabitant of residential area called Neustadt. It consists of a series of apartment modern buildings, the apartments are equipped and/or controlled trough high tech systems. The city has it's own security, police corp, political administrative representation. The plot starts introducing the domestic violence situation Hanna has to put up with. This results in her relocation to higher, 11th floor, full of snobbish, and seriously creepy people. Hannah develops some sorts of relationships with these people, but her real friend is a young woman she got to know on self-defense meetings for women. After relocation to 11th, the movie starts to operate with lots of psychotic features, that do not make much sense in the process of watching, which makes it hard to sit through. If this is psycho-thriller, for the very most part, it's far more psycho than an actual thriller, with, dare I say, very common horror clichés. I personally felt somewhat disappointed. The Neustadt area and premises looked like a perfect scenery, the film from technical aspect had no notable flaws, but after seeing the movie, I felt i didn't use much of its potential. I'm sure though that nature of this film and its execution found its fans.
Note : The residential area is real. It's called Wohnpark Alt-Erlaa. It's situated in 23rd district of Vienna, Austria. If you're in Vienna, you can visit it, a subway train will take you there.
Note : The residential area is real. It's called Wohnpark Alt-Erlaa. It's situated in 23rd district of Vienna, Austria. If you're in Vienna, you can visit it, a subway train will take you there.