Sadly, not one of our Godfrey's best
9 April 2009
Following his two previous forays filming action films in the big ol'USA, bad movie god, Godfrey Ho made this, which as it happens, was very sadly his final venture before retiring to teach film-making to students (try not to laugh please).

Loren Avedon appears here as Jason, a hit man for the mob who is apprehended (and administered an ass whooping!) at the beginning of the film by a feisty female cop played by perennial high kicking babe, Cynthia Rothrock. Six years later and having served his time in the old slammer our man has subsequently seen the error of his ways (upstanding and sure proof of the efficaciousness of the penal reform system there.....) not least of all due to him missing out on his precious time with his young son; a kid who delivers all of his lines as though he is struggling to practise ventriloquism in fact......but I digress.....

Reunited at last, Jason is determined to make a go of it as a dad and vows never to return to his old criminal ways - a refusal which displeases his old boss somewhat. This is where matters take a more convoluted turn; Said crime lord is presently searching for some stolen drugs and has a whole family taken out in his quest - except for the daughter who escapes.....and literally runs into Jason's car. Yes, as you can probably guess, our hero as a result becomes embroiled in the affair, now working against his old employers in the protection of the girl who yes, you've guessed it, he becomes romantically involved with. Ostensibly our Godfrey loves coincidences as much as he loves to elicit bad acting displays from his cast for in another bizarre twist of events, Jason's ex wife turns up out of the blue, also eager to reacquaint herself with her son (said child was previously being raised by an auntie). And wouldn't you know it, but said ex is only none other than Cynthia Rothrock's sis!!!! Wow, what a small world eh?

Anyway, to cut a long story short, matters come to a head in central park with a violent shoot out......and a surprisingly downbeat outcome which I won't spoil here.

Well, what can I say about all this? The good news is that with our man Godfrey at the helm, the film is predictably, delightfully dreadful on the acting, editing and general logic front - great news for bad movie aficionados. For instance, as is in keeping with the world according to Ho, everyone and their uncle in this appears to be expert at martial arts(!) Yes, even bag snatchers are shown to be highly trained and disciplined fighters, ready to unleash their deadly skills at a moments notice. Unfortunately, and shockingly however, there isn't nearly as much fighting in this as you would expect, indeed, bizarrely, the film actually plays out more like a dreadfully forced sentimental melodrama with some fight scenes sporadically thrown in just to keep you awake.

Still, for fellow Ho completists, it's probably worthy of at least a peek although be warned, those hoping for something as glorious as his cut & paste ninja output or else the classic, Undefeatable will likely be left sorely disappointed.
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