Out of the woods and back to school
22 December 2007
Angel of Darkness 3 picks up at the point that the second one finishes and moves the action away from the woods into Showa Central Hospital. Which is a good idea because that means nurses. As the injuu (the demon) moves from host to host through its succession of victims we are then taken to Seika College. This is also a good idea because that means schoolgirls. Basically in all of these films the injuu wants the sweetest little virgin girl, but instead of just going straight for her it has to go through loads of other people first. I don't know why; perhaps he's shy. In this case she is a dear little cutiepie call Fumie, and she gets her big scene when it goes all 'Exorcist' at the end. Yeah, exorcist, because in films III & IV we have Japanese priests trying to send the demon to hell, or at least trap it in a little vase or make-up box and bury it somewhere out of town. The Japanese Vicar is probably the scariest thing about the film; Asian Christians give me the creeps. Anyway, tentacle-sex, skinny little schoolgirls, raw rat-eating, yep, that's about it. I found it the weakest of the series, too much chatter, not enough tentacles.
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